Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Internet Captures People

The internet can catch people just like any other net can capture its victims.  However, getting caught in the internet is more difficult to recognize because the internet's snare cannot be physically felt.  One who starts to become captivated by online material cannot feel the internet start to tangle around their legs.  As the person finally starts to notice the internet pulling them in, they believe they can still get out anytime they want.  While the person continues to deny that they are trapped by the internet they return to it, often becoming more tangled in its snare than before.  It is not until the person is completely caught and cannot get out on their own that they realize they have been captured.  Now the only way out is for the person to admit defeat to the internet's grasp and ask for help.  One must be wary of the addictive nature of the internet and realize that its ability to ensnare people is as real as a physical net.

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