Monday, March 28, 2011

Integration not Invention Revolutionizes the World

There is a misconception that the invention new technology revolutionizes the world by the mere fact of being invented.  This idea is wrong. A new invention that has the potential to revolutionize the world may never change people's lives if the invention is not accepted and used by society.  Similarly, a new, frivolous invention can revolutionize the world because that product is accepted by people and adapted into their lives.  It takes a change by people for a new piece of technology to change the world.

An example of this is society's acceptance of the Ipod as opposed to augmented reality. The Ipod does not really improve the everyday lives of people, but it has revolutionized the way people listen to music.  An Ipod can be seen everywhere from kids, to joggers, to businessmen.  This widespread use and acceptance of the Ipod is what allowed it to change the way society listens to music.  Contrast this to augmented reality which has the potential to improve people's lives and significantly change the way people live.  However, most people have never heard of this technology.  While others may have only seen a video of it on Youtube.  Augmented reality will change the world if people incorporate it into their lives.

This is one example of how the invention of new technology alone will never be revolutionary.  It takes people's use of that new technology to change the world.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Premise 1: Link number one shows a picture someone using an augmented reality app on an iPhone.

    Premise 2: iPhones also let me listen to music.

    Conclusion: iPhones are awesome.
