Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Historical Information Made More Useful

Past generations have painstakingly kept records by hand. However, the information that they spent so much time and effort to preserve is often difficult to sort and organize.  It is even harder to take the information recorded by multiple people and compile it into a single, cohesive record.  This is where computer technology can improve the use of these handwritten records.   Computer technology can take the information that was collected by any number of people during any time period and create a digital record of the information.  Then this information can easily be searched and linked together.  This information that was difficult to search and link together can now be manipulated through several strokes of the keyboard because of the miracle of computer technology.


  1. We have too many 'new' records come up everyday, so people are less likely to read the ancient things. Most of college classes requires student to study those 'new techs'(mostly garbage) but not some great poems of 500 years ago.

  2. The only hard part about this is getting the information into the computers. Hundreds of people volunteer every day indexing US census records, yet it is still not complete. This of all the other records as well that must be typed in before it can be used.
