Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lawmakers Forcing People to Unplug While Outside

MSNBC reports that Lawmakers declare war on texting and walking.  The article states that two senators of the United States are trying to pass laws against texting while walking.  These senators also want to make it illegal for anyone to wear earphones in both ears while they are outside.  It seems absurd that Americans have become so rude with and attached to their technology that laws would need to be passed for their own safety.  However, you will not have to think back too far to recall the last time that you saw someone texting on their phone and walk through a cross walk without looking up from their phone.  Also, you probably do not have to think all that far back to remember the last time you saw a jogger with an Ipod that was completely oblivious to everything around them.  If Americans cannot learn to be safe while using their technology, perhaps it is time that the government makes a stand before a serious tragedy occurs.


  1. Ha, sad but true. It's getting hard to simply say hello to a friend on campus. You have to first catch their eye and then wait for them to take out their Skull Candy. It might be easier to text them from 5 feet away....

  2. Doesn't the Senate of the United States, which is controlled by the Demos, have better things to do than legislate earphones???? They should be creating new jobs, improving the economy and cutting the deficit!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they should take their own earphones off so they can listen to the people they represent.

  3. Soon it'll be illegal to walk on the sidewalk without shoe insurance. "Geico. 15 minutes can save you 15 percent or more on SHOE insurance." I like MY solution: shoe insurance.

  4. I agree with Warren's sentiments.

    The government's job is not to hold my hand and make sure I don't trip while walking down the street. Vehicle safety laws do not have any meaningful analog for pedestrians. If a pedestrian is dumb enough to put themselves in such a situation then they deserve the outcome. This is called natural selection, and it works for a reason.

    Contrary to whatever the Democrats might say, it isn't devolution into a fascist state that threatens the US. Rather it's the slow crawl into a bloated nanny state doomed to collapse under its own weight.
